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Meet the Team

We are Surge Racing, a group of six TY students from Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. We are taking part in the F1 in Schools competition. We have made it our mission to produce the fastest car, to create a book of outstanding quality, to be the best and to become National and World Champions.

Senan Kavanagh

Team Manager & Manufacturing Engineer

Senan has previous experience in the junior category of the competition, F1 in Schools. He is a born leader and as team manager he has to ensure the car is ready for the finals. He works closely with all members of the team and offers assistance when necessary.

Jeff van Dam

Design Engineer

Jeff has unbelievable skills when it comes to CAD software such as SolidWorks. He understands wonderfully how cars work and the importance of aerodynamics. He, as design engineer, is responsible for  the styling and the aerodynamic design of the car.

Sophie Ryan

Graphic Designer

Sophie is a very artistically minded girl constantly coming up with new and exciting ideas. Sophie, our graphic designer, is tasked with producing the colour schemes applied to the vehicle, including any special sponsorship decals, together with the final  graphic renderings and any additional team marketing materials.

Katie Norris

Design Engineer

Katie has a great understanding of how a design engineer should think. She understands that she must take into consideration all the regulations and physical restrictions the car must comply with.  Katie is responsible for  the styling and the aerodynamic design of the car.


Martha Gibney

Resources Manager

Martha is exceptionally organized. Her organization skills are fantastic, which suits her aptly as a resource manager. She is also working along with Senan as Manufacturing Engineer. She manages time, materials and equipment for the design and the making of the cars. Martha has previous experience in the junior category of the competition.

Claire Power

Marketing & Communications Manager

Claire has remarkable people skills making her an ideal candidate for the marketing & communications manager. Her job is essentially to get sponsorship and to get our work publicized. She must get in contact with local media and potential  sponsors to ensure maximum coverage and support for the team


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